
In the famous words of the great philosopher Rumi “The wound is the place where the Light enters you” we all human beings need to understand that each situation, person in our life is here to teach us something and no matter how hard it is on us, it is for us to evolve and that’s the journey of life , since the learnings can be tough at times and it can pain a lot, it gets easier , when you talk your heart out with someone who will not judge you, will help you understand the root cause and support you in addressing it or providing tools to accept the reality with peace and will be a constant support till the time you need and feel better.

The idea of starting this concept has emerged looking at the current times which is very tough for many people because of the hard-hitting choices they are being forced to make in various aspects  of their life, spiritually the time is for the highest and biggest good for all living beings however if  human beings don’t choose what is best for them, they may end up suffering.

The challenges we all human beings may face would be related to Career/Financial instability, Hard Relationships, Health Issues, suffering of a loved one, Loss of a loved one, unable to take right decision or maybe just simply stuck or lost, everything has come to us for a reason, lets understand the reason together and make life easy

Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love; and then we return home